Counter-flow impellers are designed to create opposing flow patterns within the mixing vessel. The blades push fluid toward the walls of the vessel while simultaneously creating a bulk flow moving in the opposite direction at the center. This type of impeller is ideal for high-solid slurry applications and is especially effective when the impeller-to-tank diameter ratio is high. It is also suitable for applications involving both Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluids. The opposing flow patterns ensure efficient mixing, making them a versatile choice for a wide range of industrial processes requiring low to medium shear rates.
Mixing Tips for selection of Counter-flow impellers
Gums & Thickeners:
- Powder should be added as fast as possible to avoid viscosity buildup. HSD OR Rotor Stator should be designed to rapidly hydrate or disperse the powder.
- This will achieve agglomerate free solution with better productivity.
Mixing of High & Low viscosity Fluids:
- Start with low viscosity fluids as it will require smaller machine. Addition of high viscosity fluid should be at flow suction of impeller.